Web page out of date. Please visit wildnorth.uk for current information
Code of Conduct
Wild North is a convention of members of the anthropomorphic fandom and their friends. Our aim is to provide a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, here in the beautiful countryside of Northern England, where attendees are free to participate as much as they like. So that everyone enjoys their time here, the Organisers have set out a few rules about what kind of conduct is acceptable at the convention, and what is unacceptable. All attendees agree to follow this Code of Conduct, as long as they are on the convention premises and for the duration of the convention. Should you have any queries, please contact the Organisers, either before or during the convention. Our email address is events@wildnorth.uk
You must be 18 or over on your first day at the convention.
Only people who have registered and paid their contribution are permitted to attend Wild North. This is out of fairness to all paying attendees, and to ensure that all of our accommodation/event costs are covered.
Please wear your con badge in communal areas. If in fursuit or costume, you can keep it in a pocket, bag, or otherwise on yourself.
All attendees are required to follow all relevant laws. We may be in a rural location, but this does not place us above or outside the law.
The Wild North community has zero tolerance for discrimination and hate speech. Furthermore, the wearing of symbols and uniform of hate groups is prohibited.
All attendees must behave with common sense, and must treat each other with respect. Everyone has a right to enjoy their time at Wild North. If somebody is upsetting or offending you, tell that person to stop. If somebody tells you to stop, please respect that person. No means No. Stop means Stop. Go Away means Go Away. If anything about this rule is unclear, please ask an Organiser.
Alcohol is to be consumed in moderation. All attendees are expected to know their limits, and all attendees are responsible for their own words and actions even while drinking. Intoxicated and/or disorderly people cannot take part in physical activities, any activities involving animals, and other activities as the Organisers see fit. Incapacitated persons will be escorted to their room, or excluded from the venue, at the Organisers’ discretion.
The possession, consumption or supply of illegal substances will not be tolerated. Attendees found in possession of illegal substances will be handed over to the police and indefinitely banned from the convention.
The abuse of any other substances as a drug (including new psychoactive substances, commonly called “legal highs”) may also result in an expulsion and/or a ban from the convention.
In accordance with the venue’s Fire Safety Rules:
​a. No smoking, vaping, or use of e-cigarettes anywhere in the venue buildings.
b. Log fires may only be lit if a person is competent to do so.
c. Only use appropriate fuels on the fires – no lighter fluids or chemicals. Do not throw rubbish into the fires – use the bins provided.
​Please ensure you are decently clothed in communal areas.
All attendees are to respect the venue and surrounding land:
​a. Keep the venue as neat and tidy as possible. This includes all communal areas, bedrooms, and grounds.
b. Please dispose of all rubbish thoughtfully, using the bins provided.
c. Do not leave belongings in corridors or in fire exit routes.
d. No walking, climbing or running on walls.
e. No running in the corridors – this can cause accidents.
f. Do not throw items from windows.
g. The apartment, office, outbuildings, and vegetable gardens belong to the owner of the venue, and are out of bounds (they are marked with ‘Staff Only’ signs).
h. Please keep sound to a reasonable level during the hours of darkness, particularly in and around bedrooms. As an exception, music may be played in the Ballroom and Gun Room between 1900 and 0200 hours only.
i. Please keep volume moderate in the Blue Room. Play any loud audio, loud videos, and video games in another room.
​As we are in a rural location, please consider these specific points:
​a. On adjoining land, follow the Countryside Code. Close gates and do not disturb livestock.
b. Do not paddle or swim in the river – it can rise and fall quickly and flow fast.
c. Please remember that other people live in, work in, and visit the surrounding area. When you are out and about, please be mindful of other people, and please treat them with respect.
​We have a few rules around props and weapons.
a. Firearms (whether they are live, fire “blanks”, or imitation), sharp blades, and projectile weapons (except bows, crossbows and Nerf weapons – see below) are not allowed. This applies even if the firearm, sharp blade or projectile weapon is described as “safe for live-action roleplay”.
b. Owing to the historical setting and theme of the convention, bows and crossbows may be displayed outdoors only (for example as a prop in a photograph). However the carrying and use of arrows and bolts is not allowed.
c. Nerf weapons may be used outdoors only. Please clear away your own Nerf “ammunition” afterwards – do not leave it lying around.
d. All metal props are to be taken straight outdoors.
e. Fire props (such as staffs and poi) can only be used: in designated outdoor areas; well away from people, buildings and vehicles, and; in the presence of an Organiser with valid first aid qualification.
f. Other, non-metal props may be displayed, worn etc. inside the venue.
g. If you wish to organise a mock fight, please contact an Organiser first. Mock fights may only take place outside. They will be supervised by an Organiser or a designated First Aider. If the supervisor intervenes, at any time and for any reason, all participants are to stop immediately.
h. Please declare any metal, fire, or other potentially hazardous props when you arrive.
i. Organisers may perform visual checks on props at any time. If they deem that a prop is unsuitable, it must be kept in your bedroom or vehicle until you leave the convention.
​In all events, demonstrations and classes, the person in charge has the final say. Please follow all safety instructions which they give. If they tell you to stop doing something, stop immediately.
The Organisers reserve the right to impose any necessary measures if this Code of Conduct is not followed. In so doing, the interpretation of this Code of Conduct is at the sole discretion of the Organisers. Measures can range from an informal chat to a ban from the convention. All decisions made by the Organisers are final.
Thank you for agreeing to this Code of Conduct. We appreciate this is a fair amount to take in. However remember, the Organisers are on hand if you have any questions, or you would like anything clarified.
We hope you have a great time at Wild North!
Yours faithfully,
The Organisers of Wild North 2024