Web page out of date. Please visit wildnorth.uk for current information
Registration is open to people aged 18+ on their first day at the con. For more details, check the Terms of Registration.
After you register, you will have 28 days to pay.
Registration Opens
For people who attended Wild North 2023: Friday 29 March, 7pm GMT
For everyone else: Friday 5 April, 7pm BST
Registration Closes
Saturday 24 August, 11.59pm BST
Full: £185
Weekend: £125
Arrive Sat morning. Depart Sun after 12 noon, or on Mon.
Day: £65 per day
Includes overnight stay. Depart by 12 noon the following day.
(Prices include transport to/from Haltwhistle. Excluding train/bus travel.)
Setup Day
Want to help get Wild North off to a great start? This year, you can arrive from 3pm on Thursday 26 September to help unload vehicles, prepare the venue, and set up.
The cost of this extra day is £35, to cover food and accommodation.
Please note, people will be expected to help with setup. This is different to 'early arrival' days at other conventions.
Fancy a little extra, while supporting us at the same time? Consider being a Supporter.
To show our thanks, Supporters will get the following rewards:
For £10 or more: a mention in the conbook
For £25 or more: a supporter pack including drinking vessel, plus the conbook mention
Proof of Age
You must be 18 years of age or over, on your first day at the convention. When you arrive, you will need to show some government-approved proof of age. This must:
Be valid and in date
Show your name, photograph, and date of birth
Match the details you provided at registration
The proof of age can be a:
Driving Licence (full or provisional)
Card with the PASS hologram
Government-issued ID card
We cannot accept documents like birth certificates, student cards, or bus passes.