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Terms of Registration
1. 2024 Registration (reg) opens at 1900 GMT on Friday 29 March 2024 for people who attended Wild North 2023.
Reg opens for everyone else at 1900 BST on Friday 5 April 2024.
Reg closes for everyone at 2359 BST on Saturday 24 August 2024.
2. Reg takes place through our reg system. You are welcome to register at any time between the relevant reg opening date and the reg closing date. Registrations cannot be made after the closing date – this is so we can give final numbers to our venue and suppliers.
3. Payment is due within 28 days of your registration (2359 on the 28th day after your reg date), or before reg closes, whichever is sooner. You can pay in full or in instalments, as long as the full amount is paid within these timeframes. Your reg will be cancelled, and your reg system account will be deleted, if you do not meet these timeframes. If you think it might be difficult to pay, please email us in good time.
4. We will email a reminder to all attendees who are registered but not fully paid, one week before reg closes. Those who subsequently do not pay or email us before reg closes will have their registrations cancelled.
5. Payment can be made by bank transfer (details on the reg system), credit/debit card, or cash in person to an Organiser (Gamepopper, Greskil, Silverley, Tyde or Vannin only). If there is a reason that none of these methods are suitable, please email us.
6. You can change your reg details, including email address, via the reg system. You can also choose your room and volunteer for a duty once you’re fully paid up. If you have any problems doing so, please email us.
7. Generally, you will have the room you requested. However, in a few instances, we may need to change room allocations, depending on which rooms/beds are available when we arrive.
8. Cancellations and Refunds
a. Cancellation and refund requests must be made by email. The maximum refund available will be:
Up to and including 30 June 2024 – the full amount you have paid, minus a £10 administration fee.
Between 1 July 2024 and 24 August 2024 (reg close) – 50% of the total con fee (£92.50).
No refunds will be given after 24 August 2024.
b. You can, however, transfer your reg to another person, at any time up to Thursday 26 September 2024 (the day before the event). To do this, both people need to email us. Any exchange of money happens between the two people – we don’t need to be involved with this. If you transfer your reg to another person, you cannot later request a refund.
c.. In the event we have to cancel the con due to COVID-19, or otherwise by force majeure, we will offer you a refund once matters are sorted with our insurers. We may also offer the option to transfer your reg to a future event.
9. We have a limit on attendee numbers, as dictated by our venue capacity. Registrations are first come, first served. Should we reach capacity, additional registrations will be placed on a waiting list. If places become available, registrations will be moved from the waiting list to the payment list in registration order. You will need to make payment within 28 days (2359 on the 28th day after being allocated to the payment list), or before reg closes, whichever is sooner.
10. All registrations will be reviewed. We reserve the right to cancel a registration if: it is suspected that it contains false or fraudulent information; it is believed that the person’s attendance could affect the safety and wellbeing of others, and/or; it is believed that the person’s attendance could negatively affect our reputation by association.
11. Any changes to the reg process, or to these Terms, are at the Organisers’ discretion. We will do our best to announce any changes in good time.
12. If you have any further questions, please email us at events@wildnorth.uk
(Version 8 – March 2024)